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ZVM - Zig Version Manager


ZVM (Zig Version Manager) is a tool designed to simplify the process of managing multiple versions of the Zig programming language on a single system. As the Zig programming language is still in rapid development, having a reliable version manager becomes increasingly important for developers who need to work with different versions of the language.

Seamless switching between versions

One of the most significant advantages of ZVM is its ability to seamlessly switch between different versions of Zig. This is particularly useful when working on projects that require specific versions of the language. With ZVM, you can easily install and switch between versions using simple commands.

For example, to install a specific version of Zig, you can use the following command:

zvm i --zls master

zvm i --zls 0.13.0

First line installs Zig nightly, second line installs version 0.13.0 and by using the --zls you'll be installing the language server automatically! How neat!

Once installed, you can switch to the specified version using:

zvm use master

and use the following to check the active Zig version:

zig version

This eliminates the need to manually manage multiple versions of Zig, making it easier to work on projects with different requirements.

Version Isolation

ZVM provides a high degree of version isolation, ensuring that each version of Zig is installed in its own separate environment. This means that installing a new version of Zig won't affect existing projects that rely on older versions.

When you install a new version of Zig using ZVM, it creates a new directory for that version, containing all the necessary files and dependencies. This isolation ensures that each version of Zig is self-contained and won't interfere with other versions.


In conclusion, ZVM is an essential tool for developers working with the Zig programming language. Its ability to simplify version management, provide version isolation makes it an indispensable asset for any Zig project.

By using ZVM, you can easily switch between different versions of Zig, upgrade or downgrade as needed, and simplify cleanup when you're no longer using a particular version. You can find the full functionality of ZVM here.

This is super useful as Zig is still in development phase and looks like its gonna be a while until it reaches 1.0 stable version.

Note: if you got Zig already installed without using ZVM, it's perfectly fine to use ZVM to install whatever version you want. Once you apply the zvm use version_number command, your system will automatically use the version you specified.

#tools #version manager #zig