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Low Level Web Frameworks


Damn I'm too lazy to write another introduction LOL!! You can check the article on High-Level Web Frameworks to read the intro.

Coverage: Zig and Rust

For the low-level web frameworks, I've selected options from Zig and Rust, two languages I've been actively working with (I love 'em both!). This allows me to leverage my existing knowledge and experience to provide a more in-depth evaluation of these frameworks.

Test setup

Note there will be variations of the wrk command.

Benchmark results


Framework req/s avg latency thread - conn Notes
Jetzig 50,854 172 us t1 - c10 logging
--optimized 60,729 104 us t1 - c10 no-logging
--optimized 171,304 263 us t4 - c50 no-logging
--optimized 179,793 960 us t4 - c250 no-logging


Framework req/s avg latency thread - conn Notes
Rocket 6,197 1,620 us t1 - c10 logging
--optimized 48,098 166 us t1 - c10 no-logging
--optimized 151,511 279 us t4 - c50 no-logging
--optimized 171,916 1,170 us t4 - c250 no-logging



Jetzig even in the non-optimized version is performing very well and in the optimized version it scale up nicely when I increased the number of threads and connections.


Rocket in the non-optimized version shows dismal performance for a low-level web framework, however this issue become irrelevant as it maintained high performance once I apply --release build (optimized).

Both Jetzig and Rocket are highly performant web frameworks. One important key thing I need to address: at the moment Zig does not support asynchronous, while Rust does. This means in a situation where async framework would gain advantage (high I/O operation such as connecting to database), Rust and its Rocket framework should gain the upper hand.

Pick whatever fits your needs, I will be using both!

#backend #jetzig #rocket #rust #web framework #zig