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Gaming On Linux

The State of Linux

Historically, Linux has been a niche operating system option for the masses, with Windows leading the market share (72%) followed by MacOS (15%), and Linux holding a 4% market share, according to a recent Arstechnica article.

The Evolution of Linux Gaming

One of Linux's weaknesses has been its gaming experience, which was not as pleasant as what users experience on Windows. However, there has been steady progress and significant support in the Linux gaming segment. Performance in playing games now rivals that of Windows, which previously had the upper hand in terms of performance.

Not anymore! A quick search on YouTube reveals numerous Linux gaming reviews, with many channels showcasing a great experience playing games on Linux.

Tips for New Linux Users

As a long-time Windows user, I've recently made the switch to Linux and have been pleasantly surprised by its smooth and stable performance. For those new to Linux, I'd like to share my experience:

  1. Choose a stable Linux distro: I'm using MX-Linux, a Debian-based distro. Debian is known for its strong hardware compatibility and software stability, although some may perceive it as "old and boring" due to its slower update cycles. Don't let this perception mislead you - you can always opt for a bleeding-edge version of Debian if you prefer. As a newcomer, stability is the top priority, and Debian provides a reliable foundation. Once you're confident with Linux, you can experiment with more cutting-edge distros like Arch Linux.

Why MX-Linux?

MX-Linux is particularly newbie-friendly, especially for those transitioning from Windows, where GUI (graphical user interface) is the norm rather than CLI (command line interface). You don't need to use CLI at all if you don't want to, making the migration from Windows super easy!

You can watch some Youtube videos: a long term review, everyone loves MX-Linux and a glowing review.

  1. Platform: Steam as the biggest platform has Proton built-in, enabling Linux users to play Windows native games. Simply enable the setting in Steam's configuration (Compatibility menu), and Steam will automatically detect the optimal Proton version for the games you're playing.

  2. Alternatives for other platforms: For Epic Games, GoG, or Ubisoft, you can use Heroic or Lutris. Choose the one that suits you best. I personally use Heroic, but haven't had the chance to try Lutris. Note that Heroic is written in TypeScript, which might affect its performance compared to Lutris, which is written in Python and C/C++.

My Gaming Experience on Linux

I recently uninstalled all my Steam games on Windows and reinstalling them on MX-Linux, and I don't feel any degradation in terms of gaming experience. In fact, I've been impressed by the improved resource efficiency on Linux. In one instance, I observed a significant reduction in RAM usage - a whopping 30% lower than on Windows 10.

Why Switch to Linux?

With all the bullshit Microsoft Windows throws to its users: ads in the start menu, copilot shitfuckery constantly spying on you...it might be the ideal time for Windows users to try Linux. It's not as scary nor difficult as people thought...on the contrary using MX-Linux it's been quite easy!

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